Saturday, November 1, 2014

Transitions to Marriage

This week in class we talked about the courting and the proposal stage of a couple's relationship, the wedding, the adjustments right after you are married and then the adjustments a husband/wife go through right after they have a baby.  It was very fun to listen this week in class to all the young college coeds talk about these topics.  It made me reflect on that stage of life for me.  I loved everything about my courting with Brian.  My proposal would not be made into a movie, but it was very endearing. Brian was so excited to propose to me, he couldn't keep a secret, so right in my college apartment, sitting on the couch, he pulled out the ring and asked me to marry him.  I smiled a huge grin, but then asked him if he would at least get on one knee.  My wish was granted, and I said "YES!" 
As talked about in class, there are adjustments to married life. Shortly after Brian and I were married, I started noticing our shampoo disappearing at rapid rates for only two people.  One day, I noticed he was shampooing his hair, he rinsed, and then started the process over again.  "What are you doing?" I questioned.  His reply, which still makes me giggle, "The back of the bottle says, 'Repeat if desired', and I desire to do so." :) Adjustments can be big or small.....
We were married a month shy of three years before we welcomed our beautiful baby daughter, Marissa.  Again, there are adjustments to being new parents. We quickly recognized that our carefree life would never be quite as carefree again. We now were on a schedule- no more late nights running to the store or to the movies unless planned with a babysitter. Our lives evolved with adjustments of schedule, but what a beautiful world our lives had become with a baby followed by three more.  I loved that time in my life of courting and being newly married, but I am also happy in the stage of life I am in now-if not more!

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