Thursday, September 18, 2014

My first class in 21 years

My family at the Puget Sound in Olympia, WA
Hi!  Welcome to my blog.  I have a couple of firsts this last week.  1- this is my first blog that I have ever created and 2- this is the first time I have gone to college as a mom!  I have been married for 21 years.  When I graduated from Ricks College in 1993, I had all intentions to get my bachelor's degree at Weber State. It never happened.  Deep down I never forgot that desire I had to finish school.  Four children later and many experiences and memories, here I finally am back in school!  I cannot tell you how nervous I was Monday night/Tuesday morning before I entered into Clark 317. Yep, I almost vomited! 
I am so excited to start this major in Marriage and Family Studies.  Bro. Williams is my professor and he adds so many insights into our readings that further testify to me that this is the major I was meant to be in.


  1. Your blog looks great! I'm looking forward to reading your posts!

  2. Great! Thanks for posting! I will try my best to keep you entertained and informed of what I am learning this semester.

  3. Soooooo fun!!! I'm excited to read your blog!! I'm ready to learn with you!! Teach me Shiree!!

  4. Your blog looks great, and I'm looking forward to reading your posts and learning right along with you! :)

  5. Welcome back to school! You are going to have a great adventure! :)

    1. Sorry it says Miss Parsons I don't know how to change that....ha ha ...Andrea

  6. Bro. Williams? I am jealous! Can't wait to read your posts!

  7. I am not very faithful at reading blogs; however, I am looking forward to reading yours. What an adventure you are finishing all these years later. Hugs you will do great.

  8. So excited to hear all about it! Congrats!
